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Food Menu
글로우버거 Glow Burger & Chips $3
오뎅탕 Fish Cake Soup $3
소떡소떡 Sausage & Rice Cake Skewers $3
군만두 Fried Dumplings $2
컵라면 Cup Ramen $2
옥수수 Corn-on-the-cob $2
치킨데리야끼 Chicken Teriyaki $3
떡볶이 Spicy Rice Cake $3
핫도그 Hot Dog $2
컵파스타 & 나쵸 Cup Pasta & Nachos $3
커피/차/소다 Coffee/Tea/Soda $2
물/게토레이드/주스 Water/Gatorade/Juice $1
Bubble Show 6pm, 6:30pm, 7pm
Endure to the End!
Knock Knock
Don't Miss the Mark
Under Pressure
Cast the Net
Pumped Up
Finish the Race
Upward Calling
Glow Toss
Jonathan's Arrow
Bounce with Jesus
Kick Start
Jacob's Ladder
Journey Across
David & Goliath
Hidden Treasure
Sarang Foosball
Limbo Hop
Sticky Points
Best Shot
Aim High
Keep Alert
Ring Ring Ring
Connected in Christ
[Games for Older Kids]
Fellowship Hall
[Games for Toddlers/Kinder]
Turkey Time
Putting Jesus First
Glow Throw
Bigfoot for Canaan
Soar with Jesus
Sword of the Spirit
The power to defeat sin
Little fishers of men
The aim for the gospel
Room 114
[Games for Toddlers/Kinder]
Light up with Jesus
[Games for Infants (under 30 months)]
Noah's Ark
Fisher of man
Follow Jesus
Grace Chapel
Nerfgun Battlefield
Vision Plaza
Cotton Candy Free
Popcorn Free
Photo Booth
GLOW Balloons
6 in 1 Bounce House 유아유치
Jumping Castle Slide 유아유치
2 Lane Slide 유아유치
Giant Bounce House 유아유치
Parking Lot
40' Obstacle Course / Slide
40' Backyard Obstacle Course
Cars Slide
Funtastic 5 in 1 Jumper Slide Combo
Skee Ball
Basketball Challenge
Glow Worship
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